Saturday, May 9, 2009

It's all in the details.

This is a clear case of double speak, and double think. The government says one thing and does another. They manipulate us by slowly announcing their true intentions with any program, drip by drip.
here's proof in the pudding...

THIS IS AN AMAZING PARAGRAPH & Orwellian to the core. It's written by Jeremy Hainsworth in "the guardian" online.

"Canada plans to have 15,000 police officers, private security and military personnel at the Olympics, at an expected cost of at least $715 million. That's more than five times the original estimate, which didn't take into account the need to secure areas outside the official venues. "

5 TIMES! 5 TIMES the original estimate? Of course they KNEW they would eventually announce this 715 million price tag.. but they also KNEW the Canadian people would be angered at such a high price.

BUT WAIT, BUT WAIT, that's not even the double speak.
read carefully:
"Canada plans to have 15,000 police officers, private security and military personnel at the Olympics, at an expected cost of at least $715 million.

so we can clearly see, this news article is not the truth.
It is a government sponsored piece, used to slowly condition the Canadian mind to except ONE BILLION being spent for ""security""

of course 1 billion is an absurd number. There is no justification for spending a BILLION dollars. THE GOVERNMENT IS OVERPAYING AND THEY KNOW IT.
It is a case of total corruption.

so thank you, Canadian citizen, for spending ONE F* BILLION dollars to spy on well spent.

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