Thursday, September 24, 2009

Don't spit the meat out with the bone.. Disinfo. Dick Cheney, & a case against peak oil.

Michael c. Ruppert make a compelling case in his book "Crossing the Rubicon" that Dick Cheney had the means, the motive, and the opportunity to orchestrate the events on 9/11. Much of his information is critical in the empirical timeline of that day. The "means" by which the treasonous perpetrators were able to accomplish their coup, are correctly analogued by he and others. I believe, however, that the "motive" and the "opportunity" for the crime, surrounded neither Dick Cheney, nor peak oil.

I will start with peak oil.

Speaking of means and motive. the head of any multi-billion dollar oil company is Always concerned with the bottom line. Before extending any excess capital. they need to be assured that the budget is safely secured. Make sure to not be overextended if the current revenue projections were to drop. That seems elementary. Well the greatest variable in the bottom line, is the market Price of crude oil.
If there was a way to secure ever increasing profits & ever expanding bottom lines, it would be notion that it is running out!! It's not hard to understand why any CEO would immediately see why the theory of peak oil is positive in securing the profits for his companies investors.
Ruppert points out that oil discoveries have dropped for more than 3 decades....which is quite compelling. But again it is any poker players interest to conceal his cards. And in a game of global hold em' petrol's in no ones interest to report massive new discoveries.
Another aspect of this is the control of technology. The evolution & assimilation of the Internet into the economy shows how government and enterprise can control technology as needed. When the day peak oil actually comes...and goes.. i believe the "energy Internet" will be created.
On a geopolitical level, peak oil gives puppet politicians and Dis Info agents the fake "motive" for 9/11.

now the opportunity.

The conspiracy involved numerous people. Many of the people involved almost certainly were inside or close to the military. People from the CIA and foreign intelligence agencies were likely involved. People within finance, intelligence, defence, and security could have ALL been involved...worldwide....

I ask you,
would a criminal ring of ruthless conspirators, give control of the entire operation to a man whos had 5 bypass surgeries, 18 stints, and a pacemaker? Seems risky to me, not to you? If he were to peace-out in a seminal moment, the entire operation could be exposed. If i were they, Cheney would only have control over situations in which, if he were to die, it would only create more confusion. Cause more problems for the true defenders of America. His role could only be for things by which a heart attack played in their favor.

therefore, Mike Ruppert's claim that peak oil was the central underlying motive...insomuch as it being a REALITY, is suspect. Also the opportunity, specifically dick Cheney's opportunity to orchestrate the entire also suspect.

It makes more sense to me that the planners of the "micro-details"...not the possible planner of some macro details... who are the actual masterminds of the crime. Men within our own military, CIA, and FBI. Men like General Meyers, or Dave Frasca....or most likely -ex military brass controlling the operation from a private security/intelligence bunker. Not a public, already hated, already scrutinized man, who could die at any time...and takle with his to the grave, the suspecians of millions of trut seekers..

The question now must be asked.... does Ruppert's Rubicon provide the best, most likely thesis for the 9/11 cover up? Or does he spin a tale that winds through the shady weeds of non essential and compartmentalized decision makers

Monday, September 7, 2009

What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least

UN Population Division Policy Brief
No. 2009/1 March 2009

What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least
developed countries?

Fast population growth, fueled by high fertility,
hinders the reduction of poverty and the achievement
of other internationally agreed development goals.1
While fertility has declined throughout the
developing world since the 1970s, most of the least
developed countries still have total fertility levels
above 5 children per woman. Furthermore, universal
access to reproductive health, one of the key goals of
the Programme of Action adopted by the
International Conference on Population and
Development (ICPD) in 1994 and reaffirmed by the
World Summit in 2005, is still far from being
achieved and unmet need for family planning2 in the
least developed countries remains high. Thus,
particularly in the least developed countries,
satisfying the unmet demand for modern family
planning methods would reduce fertility, moderate
population growth and have several beneficial effects
on maternal and child health that would contribute
to the achievement of other key Millennium
Development Goals.3 Given the synergies between
improved access to family planning and other
development goals, for every dollar spent in family
planning, between 2 and 6 dollars can be saved in

interventions aimed at achieving those other goals.4
This policy brief provides an overview of fertility
trends and changes in selected indicators of
reproductive health in the least developed countries
and a discussion of the policies that underpin them.5
For purposes of this brief, the less developed regions
include all the countries and areas of the world
except Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the
United States of America and all countries in Europe.
The group of least developed countries (LDCs) includes
the 49 countries designated as such by the General
Assembly.6 The rest of the countries in the less
developed regions, as a group, are designated by the
term developing countries.
this document is horrifying... and it goes

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Canadians on the 2009 Bilderberg list

W. Edmond Clark - President and CEO of TD bank.
Frank Mckenna - Deputy Chairman - TD bank, Ambassador to the United States.
Robert Prichard - President of the Star Media Group, COO Torstar Corp.
Heather Reisman - President and CEO of Indigo Books and music
Indira Samarasekera - President of the University of Alberta.

If these people were serving in office, they could be tried for treason for making secret deals with foreign governments while in office... lucky for them, they all exist within the private world.
traitors, no less, to their nation, their family, their ancestors, and their God...all to serve the North American union & New World Order.

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